A photograph to those you Love Is something sweet to give, But only Loving memories Can make a portrait live. And sometimes if you look for long And let your thoughts go straying, It seems as if the picture smiles- What can those lips be saying? As if the curls so well arranged Slip sometimes […]

Randoms by a Random

Blogging away with random thoughts in form of poetry, stories and more...


Planning, Coaching, & Leading Success


social psychology, philosophy, consumerism and marketing

Cycle Write Blog

My words, visions & trivia along the way

Older Eyes

Reflections from an Older Perspective

"Granny Beads and Grocery Store Feet"

We never really grow up, we just learn how to act in public (some of us don't do that!)

Boneyard Studios

a few tiny houses in washington, DC

Reckless Blogging

The spewing of ignorant and thoughtless reasoning